Arab Nile Group has produced and Published various titles in many disciplines such as literature, Business, Journalism, Media, Education, Health Care; in addition to a distinguished collection of educational Children’s books, Environment, Politics, History, Humanities, library and information sciences and several other scientific, academic and research topics. These Publications was done in cooperation with international Publishing houses such as; Wiley, McGrawHill, Kogan Page, Pearson, SAGE, AMACOM, CareerPress, Facet Pub., FinanceBuch Germany, Earthscan UK, Piper Verlag كلمة , PIPER, UNESCO , التركية Germany , SolutionTree, Jessica Kingsley, Yeni Instan, REDLINE Verlag, RoWholt, I.B. TAURIS , مؤسسة محمد بن راشد ا لمكتوم
Arab Nile Group exerts all its efforts and dedicates all its potentials to produce and publish materials that expand and develop the knowledge and cultural value for all generations and leaders of all ages. Also still seeks to cover further subjects, expands the cooperation with publishers worldwide and reach more readers from all ages